The Opal

Now that summer is upon we've decided that it is gin season, so, we opened up the old 12 Bottle Bar and found us a good one; the Opal! This is a pretty simple drink, and if you have followed the advice of the 12 Bottle Bar, you should have all of the fixings in the liquor cabinet. All but the Orange Flower Water, which, fortunately, I was able to pick up at the New Seasons. Ok, you probably don't have the Campari either, and maybe not the OJ. So if you follow the advice of the book you will have two fifths of the ingredients.


Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass.
Shake with crushed ice and strain into a coupe.
Garnish with an Orange of some sort.

Done and done. This one was very tasty. It was like candy for adults! I highly recommend it.


ounce dry gin
1 ounce orange juice
½ ounce orange liqueur
¼ teaspoon sugar
1 dash orange flower water
  • The Opal
  • Fixins
  • Salut!