War Between the States

Camp Fellow

From this camp I went home on a short visit, and while I stayed at home with the mumps, which I had several chances to catch, came out on me, though very slightly, and I soon got perfectly well, and after staying home about 3 weeks I started back to camp, but while I had been away the Regiment had been ordered away from Camp Lee and had moved to Johns Island and camped at a plantation on the island, and named the camp Camp Craft, from its owner. They stayed here only a few days and moved lower down on the island to Camp Craft No. 2.


Diary by S.C. Lowry of Company F, 17th Regiment, S.C.V. commenced on Sullivan’s Island, this 22nd day of January, 1864

Jan. 22 - This is my first day in camp since the Second Battle of Manassas. Am gladly welcomed by my old comrades in arms. A warm and pleasant day. Spend my time reviewing the island and our fortifications. With an occasional stroll along the seaside for shells.

Jan. 23rd - Another pleasant day. Nothing of interest occurred.

Camp Lee

Our route and next camp I will now describe. Having received our orders and a train of cars standing in readiness for us, we got aboard about six o’clock one morning, in box cars with plank seats, which, by the by, was very good. We travelled over the well known track all day, until about one o’clock at night, being delayed by having to wait on other trains to pass us, the cars were very crowded and warm, we knocked off several side planks to admit the air, sometimes riding on top of the cars, which is very dangerous, but is not thought of.

Camp Hampton

To return. The spit on which we were encamped was bordered on one side by large ponds, known as Hampton Ponds, in these ponds, I sometime went duck hunting, finding plenty of the feathered tribe, but they were extremely wild. One day, having better luck than usual, I succeeded in killing two very large Duck O Mallards, over which we had a royal feast, prepared by the skillful hands of our cooks. My uncles and myself went out several times to hunt them, and sometimes with success. I fished some in these ponds, but it was too late in the year and consequently I failed to catch any.

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