February 4th

This morning I was awfully scared by a shell. The firing had ceased for a long time and Sergeant Ruce Workman and myself had gone out to see the Regulars mount guard when lo; a Monitor steamed up, and let loose her bull dogs before we could reach cover. The ball ripped its way on the water making a noise like a dozen cannon. I squatted behind a little brick wall, or cistern for water, no protection at all from above, but dodging was natural. Ruce fell flat and crawled under the house. On came the shell, and at last with a tremendous fuss exploded within a few yards of us, and giving us an awful jar. Ruce and I immediately left the spot and made clean tracks for the bomb-proof. As I turned I saw my boy Henry who had brought me my breakfast, leaving the spot where he had come, also with lightning speed. Shortly after we were relieved and returned to camp, and slept the rest of the day. I bought three pairs of shoes today again for $10.00 a pair.