February 6th thru February 12th

Feb. 6th - All quiet today. I went down to the steamer this morning but could not get aboard. She is torn almost to pieces, one end under water.

Feb. 7th - Go thru the usual camp routine.

Feb. 8th. - All still. Spend the day reading and writing.

Feb. 9th - On guard today at camp in place of Sergeant Happerfield, sick.

Feb. 10th - Today I received a letter from home bearing me the grateful news of the birth of another little brother on the 2nd of February. I am all anxiety to see him, but know that it will probably be a long time before I do see him. Late this evening orders came to prepare three days rations for a march, and have full supplies of ammunition. We had no idea as to our destination then, but found out afterwards that a demonstration had been made on Johns Island by the Yankees who were reported to be still advancing, and we were ordered to be in readiness to repel the advance, but the Yanks finally concluded that discretion was the better part of valor, and went back to their boats.

Feb. 11th - All quiet today. Nothing to arouse us from the lethargy of camp routine.

Feb. 12th - Very windy today. Wave running high. Some of our boys went to the wreck of the Presto last night after powder, but got none.