February 15th thru February 24th

Slept very soundly last night, and feeling in good spirits. We lie at our bivouac all day, get very tired lying about, but the boys are very merry. Tonight we go back to camp on Sullivan’s Island, the enemy having retreated on Johns Island.

Feb. 15th - This evening again orders came to box up and travel this time for some distance and I suppose a permanent move as we take all our luggage with us. We marched to Mount Pleasant after dark, took the boat for the Savannah Railroad wharf, run aground once, but got over safely, but bivouacked for the night at our old camp of two years ago (Camp Lee).

Feb. 16th - This morning we took the train and are rapidly borne on the iron track toward Green Pond where we arrived at about three o’clock and marching about one mile from the railroad, took up quarters for the present and her I am now.

Feb. 17th - Remained in our bivouac here all day, nothing of importance occurring.

Feb. 18th - This morning we left our bivouac for the camp of a cavalry regiment just vacated by them about two miles form our bivouac. Here we found most excellent quarters, nice little cabins ready built for us. They are decidedly the best quarters that we have had since the war began. We spend the day fixing up.

Feb. 19th - Today I took a stroll after wild ducks. Thousands of them are to be found in the neighborhood. We had only our Austrian rifles, and, altho we saw four or five thousand of them, killed none and returned to camp weary and mortified.

Feb. 20th -Took another stroll after ducks today, but they were not to be found today, and we vented our rage out on killing blackbirds and on chicken that we bought. Nothing new in camp. We received a large box of meat form he ladies of Yorkville, S.C. and duly appreciate the generous gift.

Feb. 21st - Sunday again. Preaching today by our Chaplain, Mr. Morse, Cousin Will returned today from home. My boy Henry is very sick today, so much so as to alarm me.

Feb. 22nd - Henry no better this morning, and I resolve to send him home by Captain Avery, who goes home on furlough this morning. Having lost his dwelling house by fire a few day previous. The boys put up a gymnasium pole today and it is a source of great amusement to us all. Have general inspection today.

Feb. 23rd - Nothing of importance occurred today.

Feb. 24th - All quiet in camp except the regular drills and camp routine.