February 25th thru March 6th

Feb. 25th - Tonight we received marching orders to cook one days rations and start by sun up in the morning for Stock’s Causeway, ten miles distance.

Feb. 26th - We left camp this morning in light marching trim and soon marched over ten miles of sandy road, without any occurrence of interest, and found on our arrival at our destination (the plantation of Dr. Jeride) that we were brought here to work.

Feb. 27th - Leave our bivouac this morning and marched boldly int the native swamps, through which we were ordered to cut a road for transportation. We went to work cutting down trees, carrying poles to build causeway across marshy places, shoveling dirt, etc. We worked only four hours in the day and have the rest of the day to ourselves.

Feb. 28th - Work again today. Went out this morning to a turkey blind to try and kill a turkey, but failed. Nothing new. The boys catch two or three coons.

Feb. 29th - One of our company killed a large wild turkey this morning. Work as usual. Not hard.

March 1st - Still at work on the road, nothing new. I bought me a little double barrel shot gun today for thirty five dollars. Coons, possums and squirrels are caught in abundance.

March 2nd - Still at work. Today I got permission to come to camp. R.I. Wither arrived to our mess today.

March 3rd - Returned to company. Find alright and still at work.

March 4th - Today our working detachment was relieved by another portion of the regiment and we returned to camp after a dusty march of ten miles.

March 5th - Nothing new. Spent the day cleaning up.

March 6th - Sunday. Preaching by our Chaplain, Mr. Morse, today. Visit the railroad station and meet two old acquaintances and former school mates on the train. I, Earl and LePrince.