May 1st thru May 5th

May 1st - Today is the Sabbath, sleep all morning to regain my lost sleep. This evening hear an excellent sermon by our Chaplain, Mr. Morse. Find a great relief in getting something better to eat than hard crackers which we had been eating for the last eight days.

May 2nd - Nothing new in camp. Drill today, the first in a long time.

May 3rd - On guard duty in camp today. Orders to conduct some prisoners (deserters) to prison in Wilmington, which I did without trouble.

May 4th - This morning we are, that is, Company H and F, ordered to report to Wilmington, for Provost duty. We were quartered in an old brick building, formerly the town poor house. I am detailed with the men for guard. As soon as reached quarters ordered to go to the guard house for duty. Duty heavy, but a little more life about it than usual. Attend the theater as guard, and patrol the town at night. Nothing occurred worth mentioning.

May 5th - Relieved from guard this morning. Sleep all morning. Go to theater tonight. Nothing new.