North Carolina and Virginia

I have just returned from home on furlough of twenty days. Had a very pleasant time. On my way back to my regiment, which I had left in camp at Green Pond, S.C. I learned that they were under way for Wilmington, N.C. and probably thence to Virginia. I immediately gave chase and arriving at Charleston, I spent the night there and took the cars next day for Wilmington. I learned on arriving at this place that I had already outstripped my command and had passed the regiment on the road in the night. A very wet day, raining continually. I halted here to await my regiment which came in the evening drenched with rain. Attend the theater this night. Very much pleased with the performance, Camille, an exciting French tragedy, being the principal act, and a most beautiful dance, (Grand Pas de Deux) by two lovely young actresses. An occasional attendance, which by our numerous circumlocution we sometimes manage to enjoy, affords a pleasant recreation to our monotonous entertainment.