March 23rd

Having failed to keep up my diary on account of the regiment being sent out on detached duty, and not returning to camp, I all begin anew detailing as briefly as possible our employment during the interval. We were again order to Stock’s Causeway to work on the breastworks, and we have been employed every day since putting up a fort at Burnett Farm. Work four hours each day with spades, wheelbarrow,etc. and the rest of the day is at our own disposal, which we spent in various ways. Some hunting, fishing and loafing at camp. We caught a plenty of excellent catfish and eels, on which we fared sumptuously, and occasionally killed a duck. We are still at work here and will probably be kept here until the fort is finished. It is reported and truly I believe, that General Evans has been restored to his command, and Colonel McMasters has gone to Richmond to get out of his command, being deadly foes. I will continue my diary from this date.