July 19th

Today a change, long looked for, but very unpleasant, to the weather worn soldier, took place. The clouds were overspread by a gloomy pall, the atmospheres, became dull and sultry, and at length the flood gates of Heaven were opened, and rain, rain, descended in torrents, as if venting its long pent up rage on our devoted heads. Blankets, tent clothes, oil clothes, etc. were greatly in demand, and everyone was busy amid the pelting storm fixing up a shelter. But the wetting was the least of our inconveniences. Remember, we are in ditches of red clay, and as the rain mixed with the sticky clay, mud became the consequence. It rained all day, and by evening the mud was actually in places knee deep, and if we moved at all we were compelled to walk in ankle deep at every step. It was truly an uninviting prospect, (knowing that if the mud became waist deep we would have to stay there). Imagine our appearance, clad in all the beauty of our clay colored habiliments, sheltering under the kindly protection of a diminutive oil cloth from the pelting rain, and standing with stoic composure knee deep in mud and water, but it is all “Pur Palaria” and you would be surprised to hear peals of laughter at the unfortunate fall of some clumsy individual, and the jokes cracked with all the jovial mirth of better days. Gradually the rain ceased and the man, ever ready for improvement, began to remove the muddy clay until he came to more stable ground. Thus we passed the day, nothing occurred to excite attention and the night closed in all quiet. Early is now safe out of Maryland after having frightened old Abe to death, captured an immense amount of plunder, horses, cattle, etc. Whipped the enemy in a pitched battle at Monocacy1, and accomplished the greatest raid on record. I was in hopes his designs were against Washington or Baltimore, but it seemed not. Grant is still in front and keeps up a liberal display of men and wagons. The enemy threw a few more shells but to no effect. Nobody hurt in the Regiment today. Received a letter from home with some much need funds, $150.00.

1 Battle of Monocacy - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Monocacy