July 20th thru July 25th

July 20th - A few mortar shells were thrown into our lines this morning but no harm done. The usual sharpshooting going on. It is feared the enemy are tunneling under our lines, and as a battery is also here, we are preparing for such a device by digging a tunnel all along the whole face of the battery to meet theirs if they have any. Not quiet so muddy today but warm and sultry.

July 21st - Today I got leave to visit the city of Petersburg and found it a great luxury to get in the rear for a short time to clean up and get a good dinner. Nothing new occurred in the trenches today.

July 22nd - Very warm and sunny. The enemy threw a good many mortar shells at us this morning but hurt no one. Sharpshooters still at work.

July 23rd - Last night we were relieved to rest for a day or two and retired about one mile in rear of the works. Today I am on guard so I get but little rest. Good news from Georgia, Sherman thoroughly whipped by Hood.1

July 25th. All quiet. Go back to the ditches tonight.

1 Battle of Atlanta - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Atlanta