May 7th

The battle still progressing. No orders for us yet, nothing new. Hard up for something to eat. Living on corn meal and spoiled bacon. We have just received the lamentable news of the death of General Micah Jenkins1 of Yorkville. He was the pride of South Carolina, one of here noblest sons and should be consecrated by fame as an immortal hero. I was tenderly attached him, having been his pupil for three years at the military school of York, and he was particular friend of the family. Just left home a few days ago and now, alas, he is numbered with the dead, a victim of Northern fanaticism, for he died a glorious death at the head of his brigade on the battlefield. He would soon have been Major General, and, but for this untoward fate, would in time have reached the very pinnacle of glory. Peace be to his ashes. Calm and quiet may they rest on some vine clad hill of his own beloved Carolina until wafted away by the whispering zephyrs they reach their proper abode in a celestial clime. God grant is so.

1 Micah Jenkins

  • Micah Jenkins