May 8th thru May 18th

May 8th - On guard today, a blockader ran into this port this morning. No news form Virginia. Corn bread and water for my meals today. Two cases of small pox at hospital.

May 9th - Relieved this morning from guard. All quiet today.

May 10th - Colonel Miller of 12th Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers was killed in the battle. He was from Yorkville and a brave, courageous officer. So far we are entirely victorious in Virginia. The wires were cut by the Yankee raiders and we will get no more news until they are repaired. No news in camp.

May 11th - On guard again today. Three blockaders ran into this port today and four yesterday. Patrol the town tonight.

May 12th - All anxiety to hear from Virginia. Sleep today to recover from lost last night. All quiet in camp.

May 13th - Nothing new.

May 14th - Received some letters from home, the first in 4 weeks. Very anxious there on my account. News unimportant from Virginia. Wires are down and we can get nothing reliable.

May 15th - Sunday. Go to church this morning, and at St. John’s Episcopal Church.

May 16th - Nothing new.

May 17th - On guard today, but we have just received orders to prepare four days rations to leave tonight for more stirring scenes. We will probably go to Petersburg, Virginia.

May 18th - We are now at Weldon and leave today for Petersburg. We have just heard of our glorious victories at Petersburg, in Northern Virginia. Lee over Grant.1
Beauregard over Butler.2

1 Battle of Spotsylvania - 
2 Bermuda Hundred Campaing -